An exploration of the character of Harmony Cobel on Apple TV’s SeveranceAnd why I no longer think she is [REDACTED]Feb 5Feb 5
The Darkest Depths of Grief —A Review of “The Fisherman” by John LanganIn a way, horror and grief go hand in hand. Out of all genres, it often feels the most able to grapple with the daunting task of capturing…Apr 26, 2023Apr 26, 2023
An art tribute and some thoughts on Big Lonely Doug, one of the last remaining old-growth…Big Lonely Doug is a 1000+ year old Douglas-fir that stands amidst a clearcut, the only old growth tree in its area that was saved.Jul 15, 2021Jul 15, 2021
How to enjoy nature and its health benefits, even if you’re not an outdoors personThere is a lot to do out there — far more than you’d expect. (And no, not just exercise).May 27, 2020May 27, 2020
Vancouver, British Columbia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: In PhotosAs the global coronavirus pandemic slowly reached the west coast of Canada, I found myself snapping a lot of photos of the new normals…May 24, 2020May 24, 2020
Horror as an avenue for catharsisI have tip toed around horror as a genre my entire life. Like many things in life, I was morbidly curious, yet rightfully terrified. I was…Nov 29, 2019Nov 29, 2019
Attachment Theory, the Secure Base, and Its Implications On Our Adult Selves (Part 1 / ?)It has been many years since John Bowlby first proposed the idea of attachment theory —which developed and grew into a theory that…May 31, 20191May 31, 20191
It’s about wonder and curiosity, not happinessThe old adage “live every day as if it were your last,” can be wise words to live by (if not tinged with existential fear), but I’ve found…May 25, 2019May 25, 2019
Learned helplessness and the lasting effects of complex trauma — and how to begin to heal from itComplex post traumatic stress disorder is a disorder that isn’t officially in the DSM, although something similar — developmental trauma…Apr 12, 2019Apr 12, 2019
Music Thoughts: The Only Thing by Sufjan StevensThe Only Thing is undoubtedly the most important song in my life. It’s not the most listened to but its meaning surpasses any other method…Mar 20, 20193Mar 20, 20193